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There are few testimonies of the original medieval convent and its Renaissance path that remain to this day. The Augustinian convent of Acquapendente was founded towards the end of 1290 and with it the adjoining church of Sant’Agostino began to be built.
Info: Toll-free number: 800-411834; torrejulia@tiscali.it; www.laperegina.it;
Elementary school: 0763/711225
Acquapendente Municipal Culture Office: 0763 7309205
There are few testimonies of the original medieval convent and its Renaissance path that remain to this day. The Augustinian convent of Acquapendente was founded towards the end of 1290 and with it the adjoining church of Sant’Agostino began to be built. A fire that broke out in 1746 destroyed the church and part of the convent. Their reconstruction, which took place according to the canons and fashions of the period, led to substantial changes, particularly evident in the baroque aspect of the interventions made in the church. The cloister of the convent maintained its sixteenth-century character until the post-unification period, when with the confiscation by the Italian state of ecclesiastical assets, it first became the seat of a military command, and then in the early 1900s, the seat of the elementary school. . During some excavations carried out by the local headquarters of the Archeo Club of Italy in the 1980s, artifacts of medieval ceramics were found in some rooms of the former convent of Sant’Agostino. These finds testify to the ancient Aquesian ceramic tradition, starting from the thirteenth century, and are kept in the museum of the city in the ceramic section housed in the Torre Juia de Jacopo. The archaeological evidence also confirms the dating of the convent’s birth deduced from the sources.
Agostini A., Le chiese di Acquapendente, Acquapendente 1987.
Biondi P., Le origini del comune di Acquapendente e la Madonna del Fiore, Acquapendente 1966;
Chiovelli R., La chiesa e il convento di Sant’Agostino ad Acquapendente in Opus . Quaderno di Storia dell’architettura e restauro, 4 (1996), pp. 31 – 50.
Di Salvo S.,Apollonio Nasini contributo alla conoscenza della vita e delle opere pittoriche in Amiata. Storia e Territorio, 34 (2000), pp. 14 – 29.
Lise G., Acquapendente. Storia. Arte. Figure. Tradizioni, Acquapendente 1971.
Acquapendente arte città, ex convento di Sant’Agostino.
Le opere d’arte della chiesa di Sant’Agostino di Acquapendente sono state catalogate sui modelli inventariali nel 1993 dalla Soprintendenza BAS di Roma (Catalogratrice A. Capriotti); le schede sono state revisionate nel 2003 da P. Grassi per la Regione Lazio.