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Currently the Theater is the seat of the Teatro Boni Association which, through an agreement with the Municipality of Acquapendente, organizes theatrical seasons, Cineclubs, and other cultural initiatives related to live entertainment. The structure also houses a Theater Café open only for shows and within which it is possible to program cultural meetings or consult books and multimedia material relating to the activities carried out and the many forms of live entertainment.
Info Boni Theater Association
Tel. 0763/730246 Fax: 0763-731175 e-mail: info@teatroboni.it web: www.teatroboni.it
Office opening hours in Via Piaggia Sant’Angelo 4: from Monday to Friday 9: 30-13: 00
The origins of the Boni Theater in Acquapendente date back to 1802, when important families of the town had a structure called the Garden Theater built. In 1869 the theater was declared uninhabitable and thus remained inactive until 1895, when the new owner Tommaso Boni decided to restore it, providing for an almost total reconstruction. The architectural structure became that typical of the lyric theater: boxes on several orders arranged in a horseshoe, at the top the gallery. The latest renovation, completed in 2005, has maintained the nineteenth-century characteristics inherent in the architecture, while satisfying the modern needs of entertainment and safety. The capacity of the theater is 250 seats.
Chiovelli. R., Teatro e Spettacolo ad Acquapendente e nella Tuscia dalle origini alla fine dell’Ottocento. in I Documenti del Museo della Città, 1, Acquapendente.