The current appearance of the Acquapendente municipal building is due to the works completed in 1884 by the Viterbo builder Grandori under the direction of the architect Guglielmo Meluzzi. We have a drawing of the previous structure of the town hall by the architect Guglielmo Meluzzi himself in 1873.
Info: tel 0763 7309206 fax 0763 711215 http://www.comuneacquapendente.it/ e-mail: turismo@comuneacquapendente.it Toll-free number: 800-411834
Opening hours to the public: 08.30 to 13.30 weekdays Tuesday and Thursday from 15.00 to 18.00
The current appearance of the Acquapendente municipal building is due to the great fervor that animated the whole of Italy in the architectural interventions carried out in the post-unification phase. Acquapendente was also animated by this fervor, and in both religious and secular fields, the architectural renewal led to the renovation of many city buildings. We have a drawing of the previous structure of the municipal building by the architect Guglielmo Melluzzi in 1873. The relief executed in watercolor attests the importance of the ancient municipal building with the bell tower higher than the body of the building, equipped with a clock and bells. . In 1877 the old structure was demolished. The works for the new building were started only two years later and were definitively concluded in 1884, carried out by the Viterbo builder Grandori. The architect of the new municipal structure was Guglielmo Melluzzi, the same architect who in 1873 had portrayed the old municipal building. The figure of the architect Guglielmo Meluzzi, after a simple beginning in works of lesser importance, acquired a dominant position in Acquapendente due to the various renovations in the city. His projects for the construction of the cemetery and public wash houses, for the construction of the new bell tower of Sant’Agostino, for the renovation of the church of Sant’Antonio Abate and Santa Caterina and the church of San Lorenzo. In addition, he was the creator of the decorations of the two main sources, respectively that of the Mascheroni and that of the Ruga.
The building presents itself in its neo-classical forms imposing in the presence of the size of the square. The ground floor is characterized by a portico with twelve facade pillars and eleven connecting arches. Above the frame that frames the portico there are two rows of windows which correspond to the two floors of the building. The building is crowned by a large clock framed by the coats of arms of the Municipality of Acquapendente. Access to the building is achieved through a monumental staircase that gives access to the mezzanine floors. The first floor is of particular impact, where a large corridor overlooks the facade windows. All the rooms on the floor overlook the corridor. On this floor there are the Mayor’s Hall and the large Council Chamber between the various offices.
AA.VV. Acquapendente e il suo territorio. Regione Lazio, Assessorato alla Cultura, Spettacolo, Sport e Turismo. Direzione regionale cultura, sport e turismo, area valorizzazione del territorio e del patrimonio culturale. Avellino 2004;
Agostini, Le chiese di Acquapendente, Acquapendente 1987;
Costantini N., Memorie storiche di Acquapendente, Acquapendente 1982;
Chiovelli R., Mengalli M.A.L., Guglielmo Meluzzi architetto di Acquapendente postunitaria. Quaderni dell’Archivio storico 4, Acquapendente 2003;
Lise G., Acquapendente. Storia. Arte. Figure. Tradizioni, Acquapendente 1971;
Rossi M., Cenni storici di Acquapendente. Viterbo 1989;
Acquapendente città d’arte, Palazzo comunale.