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In front of the church of Santo Stefano is the Benci-Caterini palace, with an arched portal under a Doric-type entablature. The keystone, instead of being decorated with the traditional coat of arms, shows a grotesque mask.
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Some of the most important palaces of the noble families who resided in Acquapendente rise on the current Piazza Girolamo fabrizi formerly Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, born in the heart of the city, already after the deforestation of the river valley area in the twelfth century. It is precisely here that many families wanted to build their stately palaces, to flaunt their rank, with real monuments for the city of Acquapendente.
In front of the church of Santo Stefano is the Benci-Caterini palace, with an arched portal under a Doric-type entablature. The keystone, instead of being decorated with the traditional coat of arms, shows a grotesque mask. The building with a seven-hole, two-storey facade originally had an open loggia on the second with three round arches still visible. Now the building has been raised by one floor in the central part and closed around by other buildings.
Lise G., Acquapendente. Storia. Arte. Figure. Tradizioni, Acquapendente 1971.
AA.VV. Una Guida per Acquapendente a cura del comune di Acquapendente e della sezione locale dell’Archeoclub d’Italia, Acquapendente 1993.